Concept Videos for Marvel SNAP!
September 2023 - January 2024

I drive myself to push the boundaries in crafting delightful and habit-forming mobile experiences both professionally and for fun.

A friend recommended I download MarvelSnap, a mobile card game to collect and battle with iconic Marvel characters. As a hashtag#Marvel fan, I tried it out and was infatuated by the animated card designs and innovative gameplay.

I believe creativity thrives under pressure, so for this challenge I set deadlines to post a new video on their subreddit every Sunday for 12 Weeks straight.

This meant becoming my own project manager, as I had to create an animated design system, wireframes & flows, high-fidelity UX/UI designs, storyboards, animations, and more. All of this was done with the aim of achieving the same high quality design as the award-winning game. I can confidently say I exceeded my goal while refining my technical artistry.

Check out the final video showcasing all the new features, game modes, and cards I've designed! Best viewed on mobile. Contact me at:

See the video from each Sunday in more detail in their dedicated reddit posts below!

Let's chat
Reach out & let's talk about game design!
You can connect with me below or view my resume.

Coded with ♥️ in Toronto
© Michael Calcada